We had awesome glass pendant make and take projects and I did riveting demonstrations. There were some really pretty attendance prizes. Marilyn H. won the GRAND PRIZE strand which was an incredible strand of Ruby in Zoisite. It was so much fun! Don't worry, there are still some beautiful beads left! Ask us to show you all of the new stuff the next time you're in the store!
Speaking of new stuff! We have tons of new classes. Chou designed a beautiful springy bracelet called the Posie Bracelet. It is quite adorable. Be sure to check it out on our class website: http://www.the-bead-place.webs.com/. Bridgette has a new class, as well. She's teaching adorable Knitted Hats. One of my new ones is the Rock Candy Bracelet. If you love sparkle, you'll love this one. Another addition to our long list of classes is the Viking Knit Bracelet. We have new kits to supplement this class, which are pretty fun to work with! It seems like every time I look, we have new stuff in the store.
Tons of new yarn! Sweet Caroline, Dreambaby DK, Grass, new colors of Kudo, new Zauberballs, more Encore, and so much more that I can't remember. While we're on the topic of yarn, we now carry cute cute cute insulated tumbler mugs that have a precious wittle chubby sheepy on them and they say, "KNIT HAPPY!" Oh, they're so cute. We have little post-it and notepad books with the same emblem. They're oh so adorable.
So, we've officially been in business for 5 years now. It just seems like yesterday when my parents' living room was full of bead shipments waiting for a bead store to call home. I know it sounds cheesy, but of course... we couldn't have done it without you. All of our loyal customers are definitely the reason why we're still afloat. I couldn't thank you enough for your support through the years, and hopefully we'll stay friends for a while yet.
I just got home from the store where Bridgette taught Donna and Stacy how to do square stitch. Those ladies are so much fun. Well, all of our customers are so much fun. Anyway, it's late, so I think I'm off to bed.
Thanks for reading!